The animals listed on this page were recently picked up as strays or reported missing by their owners. Please click on the links below and call the contact number listed for more info. Please claim your animal as soon as possible as space is limited and time is short.
Pet Identification Tags- If you care about your pet, place an identification tag on its collar. The information you provide will be used by whoever finds your pet to contact you of its whereabouts. If you dislike tags on your pet due to the noise, buy a light-colored nylon collar and using an indelible pen or laundry marker, write your phone number on the collar. This will improve the chances that your pet will be returned to you. Also, check your pets collar at least once a month to make certain it fits properly. You should be able to slip your fingers under the collar. Do not allow the collar to remain on the animal if it is too tight as it can become embedded in the flesh. As the animal grows, the collar does not stretch! Never, wrap a chain or tie-out cable around your pets neck. As the animal moves around, the chain/cable will tighten and could possibly strangle your pet.
Stray animals are available for adoption after five days if not claimed by their owner. Animals adopted from the city pound are eligible for a $40 spay/neuter voucher.

For your information:

The municipal codes pertaining to pets, for Falls City residents, can be found here, Article 1. Dogs and Cats