The Humane Society of Richardson County has set up an account with First National Bank & Trust in Falls City. All contribtions to this account are designated for the "Shelter Building Fund". Donations can be made at either the drive thru or main office of the bank. Or contributions can be sent directly to the Humane Society (P.O. Box 365 Falls City, NE 68355), designated for the "Animal Shelter", and they will be deposited into that account. All contributions are tax deductible.

by Ardis Ramsey
It is now an official "done deal". This news was greeted with beaming faces, broad smiles, and even a few misty eyes by all those with the Humane Society who have worked so hard & put their hearts and souls into attaining the goal of our own shelter over the past years. Now the Society has it's own building site!
All this started last summer when the "dream location" came within the Humane Society’s reach to purchase. Known as the Sam Schuler family property, it is located on the east edge of Falls City on Highway 159 and has approximately 5 acres.
When the four children of late Sam and Lela Schuler accepted the Humane Society's purchase offer, it was just the start. Much to the elation of the Humane Society, Kathleen Schuler Valasek & Calvin Schuler donated their share of the property sale back to the Humane Society. Being overwhelmed by their generosity would be an understatement!
In tribute and in memory of their parents, who had a soft heart when it came to animals, the shelter will be known as "Sam & Lela Schuler Memorial Shelter of the Humane Society of Richardson County, Inc."
In continuing his support of the Shelter, Calvin has also set up a yearly endowment to benefit the Humane Society for a number of years in the future. Words are just not adequate to express the appreciation of the Humane Society. Our deepest heartfelt gratitude and thank you to Calvin & Kathleen!
Having spoken with Lela some years back she told the story of the homeless kitten that she had found hiding in fear & meowing under a big rhubarb leaf near the house. She took the poor frightened kitten into her heart and her home. She named the cat "Mischief" and it was her dear and loved companion. So they had great caring for those lost and helpless creatures. "Mischief" lives with Kathy now, along with another homeless kitten, "Addie" that Kathy rescued also from there years later. Compassion definitely runs deep in the Schuler family for God’s creatures.
Upon hearing of our pending purchase of the property, another benefactor came forward to take part in our acquisition of a shelter site. The Prosser family, known locally for their community involvement and kind hearts, donated a large amount toward the purchase. Thank you for your generosity and caring.
The Humane Society’s next step is getting a shelter building. A fund has been set up at the First National Bank & Trust for anyone wishing to contribute to helping us reach this next goal. Being a 50l C charitable organization, all donations to the Humane Society are tax deductable.
This next step of a shelter building is carefully being researched so that we know exactly what will best suit our needs. Several field trips to shelters in our area have been taken. The shelter in Holton, Ks. and also Hearts United at Auburn have given us some excellent insight. We can benefit from their expertise and advice since they have experience in an actual functioning shelter and what layouts/materials work best. There are still several other shelters that field trips will be taken to when weather permits. A building committee has been formed & will present their findings & recommendations when study is completed.
The house on the Schuler Shelter property needs a great deal of work but possiblilties are that a nice office/visiting area can be utilized and areas for a cat shelter/care can be housed there. The double garage is well insulated and in great shape for storage, etc. Volunteers who have experience in remodeling/handyman knowledge to help or advise to make the house usable will be needed this spring. Please consider helping us.
The Humane Society will NOT be taking animals in at the Shelter site until we have a new building to house them.
With so many progressive improvements to our community, it is time for us to have a Humane Society Animal Shelter to be proud of too. A place of new beginings for the abandoned, abused, the homeless where they can find refuge and mercy.
We thank all those who have given so freely to make this Shelter a "soon-to-be" reality & those in the past who have supported us as we have worked toward this goal & continue in the future.